About morebugs - Download morebugs (5660 bytes)

After having made bugs years ago I resently (2001) discovered some new bugs I had not seen before. This resulted in three more levels in bugs and this set called "morebugs".

These levels I really consider cheating -- because I can only make them by not using the editor. This is because I broke a rule the editor does not accept. The rule I break is the rule that there can only be one Kye in a level.

The effect of having more than one Kye in a level is that only one is visible and this one is the one placed in position (4,4) on the board. If none of the Kyes is in this posisition an extra Kye is placed at this position.

The weird thing about the invisible Kyes is that they in many ways act like a real Kye:

  • If an animal touches an invisible Kye the real Kye dies
  • If a sticker is in reach of an invisible Kye it will stick to the invisible Kye
  • Nothing can go through an invisible Kye

The above should explain alle the levels in this new set of bugs.