*** About this site

My name is Jytte Madsen and Im a big kye-fan. I made this site to show my levels to other kye-fans.

If anyone dont know kye he should immediatly go to Jose R. Gimenez page (http://www.classicgaming.com/kye) to get a description and to download the game. All I write on this site will only be interesting to those who are familiary with kye.

You can preview all my levels (only with few changes from the originals) on my site and download them (providing you have got a zip-program!).

This is how the menu at the left works:

  • read about level-writer by pressing the writers name
  • press the to get a list of the writers level-collections
  • read about the level-collection by pressing the level-collection name
  • press the to get a list of the levels in the level-collections
  • press the level-name to get a priview of the level
  • press the to unfold the list
If you choose the plus two times in the "Colin Garbutt"-folder the menu will look something like this
 Jytte Madsen
 Colin Garbutt

If anyone have any comments or suggestions to my kyepage (including if you would like your levels to be viewed on my page) please write to me on Jytte@Madsen.org
